Saturday, April 28, 2007

Wow... Time flies

Huh it's been a while since I posted but meh whatever. Time flies when you're busy or even when you're not. Been bumping around a few forums, playing online games and living life.

Speaking of online games GPotato games are good, and they're free. Go there!

Also I have recently discovered The Cruxshadows, a really cool darkwave band.

Otherwise I'm generally lurking on forums.

Laters Taters

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Just a couple of pic's of my WIP.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Hmmm Randomness

Well it's been a bit of a while since I last rabbited on... just over six months in fact. And well I've been busy. Nothing too drastic, just life in general being somewhat overwhelming and taking up a lot of time... funny that.

Just the other day I realized that I'm turning 24 at the end of November... where in the buggering hells does time go? I'd never realized how damn fast the year's gone by. I wonder what 07 will bring... hell I'm wondering what the next 3 months will bring.

Go to peoples. It's a lotta fun.

Natasha Sanotova
Mad Scientist at large

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I'm going overboard

I'm sick of having to tow a trailer, I'm sick of having to try and muscle heavy loads up into the tray of a pickup when I've a bum leg, I'm sick of not having enough power. I've had it with my pickup in case you haven't guessed. And I'm gonna either buy a GMC Serria 3500 or better yet I'm gonna get my own custom built pickup, and it's going to be plain ridiculous if I build it, but I'm not going to have to worry about space, power, or getting bogged if I go offroad.

My custom built will be based off a 8 tonne truck chassis (converted to a pickup), 4x6 wheel drive (the rear wheels will be much like the 3500 leaving more room in the tray), 6.0 L Turbodesiel V8 at the least, front and rear winches, Spotlights on a semi roll bar type thingy behind the extended Cab, 5 post bullbar, recessed loading rails allowing specialized Modular pallets to be locked down. Styling similar to the original Ford F-150's (ie as unsubtle as a brick through a plate glass window) A small hydralic loading crane (Which will allow me to load heavy loads). And a towbar for car-trailers and the like, and a 6 speed Manual gearbox.

Someone told me this is overkill on a grand scale... and I'm not even sure if it'll be road legal here in Australia. I'm of the opinion that if it works it might just be the next big thing in pickups (pun intended)

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Never more shall I see her again.

I recieved the phone call no one wants to hear. The phone call that tells you that someone close to you has died.

My friend has died by her own hand and nothing anyone can say can make it better. She is gone and never again will I see her smile, never again will I hear her voice raised in song. I rage against her for dying. I rage against the Gods of this world for letting her die. But most of all I rage against myself for hating her for dying by her own hand, for dying without fighting, for taking the cowards way out. I hate myself for hating her. I hate myself for not catching on. I should've known better, I SHOULD HAVE FUCKING BEEN THERE FOR HER! I know that I couldn't have been there, I know that no one caught the signs, that no one might have even known there was signs. Little comfort does this give me. I sit here and rage against the dying of a light, I scream my fury to the uncaring skies, I try to drown my sorrow in sound. Yet nothing I do will change the fact she is dead and nothing I can do will change the facts dead is dead and there is nothing I can do.

I hate this goddamn world and it's hatred and it's insecurities. I hate the people who sneer at people who leave this world by their own hand. I hate those who will say she deserves no pity.

I grieve for her, not for the fact she killed herself, but for the fact that she felt she had nothing else she could do. I grieve for the fact that she felt she had no one to turn to. I grieve for the fact that no one could give the comfort she needed.

May she shine forever in our hearts and may we never forget her.

MegaTokyo Inspired

I was reading MT last night and this morning, and though I sometimes don't like MT, sometimes Piro gets it right. Sometimes people screw up without meaning to, and sometimes they screw up through sheer stupidity. Like the scene with Largo and Miho in Cave of Evil.

Largo is a ignorant, lame brained moron stuck in a world of his own creating, I have friends like Largo, hell I am very Largo-ish sometimes, BUT Largo can get it right sometimes, and the times he does get it right seem even more profound then it would coming from most other characters. I LIKE Largo, he's a very flawed character who isn't quite sure how to interact with people outside of certain mindset, YET he still keeps going doing the best he can.
Miho, on the other hand is a manipulative stuck up young lady who comes across as a total evil bitch. But what most people don't realise is, she's also very lonely and very ill girl who though she knows how to manipulate people, isn't quite sure how to relate to people, how to get close to them and be a true friend.

Everyone says that Piro is a genius when it comes to art. So what? Kudos to Piro for great artwork, but he can be very random sometimes when he actually releases it. So can all artists. What gets me into MT more than anything, more than the art, more than fact that it's a huge webcomic is the Characters and the Story. They interact with each other, they are flawed people they are capable of mistakes that we make in every day life. And more importantly of all I can relate to the characters in the comic when Piro gets it right.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Transgender Comics

I'm sitting chatting on IRC, trying to clobber some minor network problems, forum browsing and reading webcomics. Sounds pretty normal for someone on a computer right? Well except for one thing, I've been asked by a straight friend of mine... why do I read webcomics about people who are transgender? I must admit my friend is self admittly a bit narrow minded. Well That's easy The few Transgender based webcomics out there are well written, the art is often good, though most la-di-da snobs would say that it's terrible (personally I say screw them!) and I've found that they contain often realistic problems that a LOT of transgender people go through. How do I know about the last bit? Several of my friends who ARE technically transgender (I call those who are transgender by their 'Real' gender) who HAVE read the comics have told me that they can relate very well with the transgender characters.

Also several if not ALL of the webcomic authors that I'm aware of a Transgender themselves. I think that this is bringing information to more people... along with making people aware of exactly WHAT people who are transgender are going through every day, what they need to deal with every moment of their lives.

Here are some of links to the Transgender Comics I'm aware of. Please read them with an open mind and heart.

Lean on Me
Venus Envy
My Life In Blue
From Then On Forth
Second Stage

These are the ones that deal with Transgender Issues... some are serious comics others are funny but all deal with Transgender issues.

I have just one thing to say... If you see people who are transgender don't be a fucking moron and heckle or harm them in any way shape or form. Hell don't heckle or harm ANYONE in any way shap or form. Otherwise you're just a small minded arse whipe who needs to be shot.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Here I sit...

And here I sit, hoping to raise your spirits. Here I wait with you, waiting for some news. Here I am holding you praying for a miracle. We sit and hope, we sit and pray.
Why can we only feel so helpless in the face of violence and hate? Why can't we protect our family and friends? Why can't we stop those who do us harm? What must we do to live in peace and harmony, to live our lives without hate and anger? This darkness comes close to overwhelming us, yet still we cling to the light which we need. The love we hold for each other keeps us warm from the hate. I want to protect you from all that would harm you, yet what good are fists against the hate of others? Sticks and stones may break our bones but words can break our soul.