Thursday, March 09, 2006

I'm going overboard

I'm sick of having to tow a trailer, I'm sick of having to try and muscle heavy loads up into the tray of a pickup when I've a bum leg, I'm sick of not having enough power. I've had it with my pickup in case you haven't guessed. And I'm gonna either buy a GMC Serria 3500 or better yet I'm gonna get my own custom built pickup, and it's going to be plain ridiculous if I build it, but I'm not going to have to worry about space, power, or getting bogged if I go offroad.

My custom built will be based off a 8 tonne truck chassis (converted to a pickup), 4x6 wheel drive (the rear wheels will be much like the 3500 leaving more room in the tray), 6.0 L Turbodesiel V8 at the least, front and rear winches, Spotlights on a semi roll bar type thingy behind the extended Cab, 5 post bullbar, recessed loading rails allowing specialized Modular pallets to be locked down. Styling similar to the original Ford F-150's (ie as unsubtle as a brick through a plate glass window) A small hydralic loading crane (Which will allow me to load heavy loads). And a towbar for car-trailers and the like, and a 6 speed Manual gearbox.

Someone told me this is overkill on a grand scale... and I'm not even sure if it'll be road legal here in Australia. I'm of the opinion that if it works it might just be the next big thing in pickups (pun intended)


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