Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Transgender Comics

I'm sitting chatting on IRC, trying to clobber some minor network problems, forum browsing and reading webcomics. Sounds pretty normal for someone on a computer right? Well except for one thing, I've been asked by a straight friend of mine... why do I read webcomics about people who are transgender? I must admit my friend is self admittly a bit narrow minded. Well That's easy The few Transgender based webcomics out there are well written, the art is often good, though most la-di-da snobs would say that it's terrible (personally I say screw them!) and I've found that they contain often realistic problems that a LOT of transgender people go through. How do I know about the last bit? Several of my friends who ARE technically transgender (I call those who are transgender by their 'Real' gender) who HAVE read the comics have told me that they can relate very well with the transgender characters.

Also several if not ALL of the webcomic authors that I'm aware of a Transgender themselves. I think that this is bringing information to more people... along with making people aware of exactly WHAT people who are transgender are going through every day, what they need to deal with every moment of their lives.

Here are some of links to the Transgender Comics I'm aware of. Please read them with an open mind and heart.

Lean on Me
Venus Envy
My Life In Blue
From Then On Forth
Second Stage

These are the ones that deal with Transgender Issues... some are serious comics others are funny but all deal with Transgender issues.

I have just one thing to say... If you see people who are transgender don't be a fucking moron and heckle or harm them in any way shape or form. Hell don't heckle or harm ANYONE in any way shap or form. Otherwise you're just a small minded arse whipe who needs to be shot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*finds your blog from WAR*

Hm. Fair enough, except that most of them portray Christians as slavering evil sonsabitches whose only purpose in life is to judge and beat and rape the poor innocent transgender. That part I dislike.

11/13/2005 6:55 AM  

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