Friday, February 04, 2005

My friend scares me!

Okay one of my dear friends wrote this so I'm going to post up for the world to see.
Nick if you're reading this Don't Hurt Me!

Imagine waking up and losing the one thing we all take for granted, the ability to interact with our environment.

Welcome to my fear, my nightmare, my curse.

Not long ago I became aware of my growing inability to touch things, my hand would sink through objects - passing through them as if insubstantial. With growing frequency I found myself becoming a ghost though I still lived, people would pass by or worse through me as if I wasn't there. My cries for someone to see me, my shouts for people to notice me failed. Eventually I became a person living, if such a turn could be applied, a solitary exsistance.

My body could not feel external stimuli, my nose could not smell. My taste became useless, and I was deaf to the sounds of the world. My only prevention from slipping into madness was my sight, my ability to see remains unhindered.

Strangely I hunger for food and drink. I suffer an uncontrollable craving to be able to touch anothers skin, to hear anothers voice. My lust for the smell of another, for the scent that all give off knows no bounds but I am cursed to never have any of these.

Perhaps my greatest curse is that I sleep no longer, for I can gain no respite from my wanderings, from all that I have seen but never hear, never touch. I miss sleep for would give me the ability to hear anothers voice, if only in a dream.

Welcome to my personal Hell, one that I hope may one day escape from for I fear that living this way for eternity is the purest form of damnation that one could possibly suffer. I await Deaths gentle embrace, for Her visit would be a blessing upon me, for I would be able to speak to another after a seeming eternity of silence. I would welcome her touch for it would mean that I would feel anothers touch.

Mayhap that is my greatest curse, to never feel the touch of another, for that is the one thing we all crave.

I hope you are never welcome to my fear, my nightmare, my curse.

My muse fucking BITES!

Okay here's what my muse just bit me in the arse and made me write.

The horrors I have seen as I lay asleep would make grown men cry. I have seen nations rise and fall in my dreams. Men have forgotten me though they tread my skin and destroy my features. Wars are raged over my body and what it may give my children. I glide through space orbiting my father with my siblings watching and whispering sweet nothings in my ear. I am Gaia.

God what a load of BS